Titans Return has produced an impressively wide range of characters from Transformers: The Headmasters. Characters who've never been updated before, and characters who were never seen outside Japan before. But there's a tiny, tiny handful of Headmasters who have not seen - and do not seem to be in the running for - any kind of representation whatsoever in either the Generations or TakaraTomy Legends line. So, who's missing? Keep reading to find out!
We're being a bit generous for these purposes: we're counting absolutely anything that's even been announced, or even hinted at through official channels, for the purposes of this.
If we drop back from that, eliminate the piece that we know exists but has not been announced for release as of yet, there's one more extremely conspicuous absence: Scorponok. He's been announced via cereal box poster as the Titan Master Of Ultimate Fireblast. Granted, the Decepticon Headmaster Leader is likely only a die-cast Titan Master head, but he is at least present in some capacity.
You guys just had to have that Trypticon to go with the Metroplex nobody can find or afford now, didn't you? (We kid. Mostly.)
The ones you probably didn't notice unless you're super into obscure Japanese toys are four of the six Autobot Master Warriors. The Master Warriors were a set of six individually boxed Headmasters who could be used with the existing Headmaster bodies. Only available in Japan and even kind of rare there, it's unsurprising they're not represented in Titans Return. The only reason it's surprising we haven't seen those is because of what we have gotten: Titan Master Sawback is Master Warrior Lione, and Shuffler is also one of their number. While named for Blaster's cassette partner, Ramhorn is based on a Master Warrior that was never even produced!
The remaining Warriors have one Beast among them: Toraizer, which you'd think we'd get at least as a recolor of Sawback given how many times we've seen the Crashbash mold by now. The other three, Kirk, Rodney, and Loafer, are humanoid, so not particularly special. But they're also perhaps difficult to adapt to the Titan Master format. They've kept most of the heads in Titans Return compact and square so as to maintain compatibility with the helmets of larger figures - and while Rodney might fit the bill, Kirk and Loafer are oddballs with elongated helmets. Having vehicles that became their weird hats might've been neat, though.
But there's also one character who is seemingly unrepresented in any way who saw general release not just in Japan, but the US! The other Horrorcon, Snapdragon transformed from a dragon to a jet to a robot. Given that the focus of the Titans Return Voyager class has been doing new and improved versions of the original Triple Changers, it's not too surprising that Snapdragon was passed over at that class. But fellow Horrorcon Apeface got what was not necessarily the best of the Titan Master mini-vehicles in terms of pure function, but one of the coolest in terms of representing a tiny, tiny replica of G1 Apeface. It's just a shame Snapdragon doesn't get that. And it's just weird he doesn't get anything.
There's more than a few characters we wish had gotten more than they're getting. The Headmaster Juniors and, again, Scorponok come to mind. But the fact that we have to dig this deep to find wholly unproduced characters is a real testament to Hasbro and Takara's digging deep on this one. For a while there it seemed like Generations was getting stuck in a 1984-6 time loop, and Titans Return broke us out of that hard. It's produced a tremendous amount of fun toys, and un- or under-represented characters, and the Titan Master functionality has added a lot to the line. We're happy to see some of that compatibility continue into Power of the Primes via mini-Pretenders and Legends seating. But man, poor Snapdragon. Also Scorponok. But especially Snapdragon.