Bloomberg are confirming earlier reports of Toys ‘R’ Us' return with the declaration the once bankrupt retail chain are; "...Back From the Dead." With a return that is timed for 2019 holiday season, we finally have some details on the new stores directly from the new CEO, and former Toys ‘R’ Us executive, Richard Barry.

The new retail stores to open under a new name, "Tru Kids", are said to be 1/3 the space of the original stores at just 10,000 square-feet, but are reported to feature "experiences". What are expected to be brand sponsored play-areas and showcases that consumers can try new products. The chain has already signed up MGA Entertainment Inc. as a partner, who still believe retail stores are vital to the toy industry. Read for the full quote from CEO, Richard Barry:
The stores are slated to be about 10,000-square feet, roughly a third of the size of the brand’s big-box outlets that closed last year, the people said. The locations will also have more experiences, like play areas. The startup costs could be minimized with a consignment inventory model in which toymakers ship goods but don’t get paid until consumers buy them, some of the people said.
Read the full story at Bloomberg:
• Toys ‘R’ Us, Back From the Dead, Will Open U.S. Stores in 2019 [+]