Schematics of the inside of the trailer. No pics of the actual interior but still kinda gives an idea of what to expect.
Am I seeing UM missile launchers in there???
Schematics of the inside of the trailer. No pics of the actual interior but still kinda gives an idea of what to expect.
I wonder why FP's site isn't working right now.
Hell yeah on a Trailer for Ani Prime and I'm throwig in Movie too(and not the tanker on ebay, it does nothing)
I really hate to double post, but it seems that roller transforms... notice the hitch between trailer and UM's CC set - double wheels under Primes trailer, single wheels under Magnus'... yes, I think the singles fold somehow (and details are yet to be sculpted)! I guess this is where Fans Project earns my loyalty. Two customs enter one custom leaves... who runs Bartertown?!
I think I'm a little late to the topic but have you seen the ultra magnus trailer connect to the fans project prime trailer in alt mode?
Make you wish you actually bought the shadow commander set, huh?
Oooooooo...OK I'm even more interested.
I think I'm a little late to the topic but have you seen the ultra magnus trailer connect to the fans project prime trailer in alt mode?
Make you wish you actually bought the shadow commander set, huh?
I certainly like the style of this one more than BTS's... though, I can't tell how good this will look attached to Classics Prime yet. Even if it looks great with him... I'm gonna need some major gimmicks included in this in order to justify the purchase. Fans Project has impressed me so far though... so I'm optimustic! Personally though, I'd rather have a trailer for Animated Voyager Prime.
I prefer the shape and the look (so far) of the FansProjects trailer, but there are things that I do like about the BTS trailer. I would not buy the BTS trailer for Optimus Prime (I had decided that even before I saw the FansProjects version) but I would consider it for Nemesis Prime.
It really doesn't matter to me, because I am going to buy them all.
I will have every trailer ever produced by any company for any Transformer.
Just keep them coming I will buy them all!
I like Tractor Trailers and I like Transformers.
I don't know right now, it is very G1. I'm going to say it does look good as far as trailers, but I'll reserve final judgement until I see the insides and painted versions.
I think I like the other better. The shape is different enough to be interesting.
I seriously cannot thank both BTS and Fan Project for these contributions. I had these ideas in mind and grew frustrated because hasbro refuses to go the extra mile when it comes to recent prime figures. This is literally a dream come true! :tfgrin
I am SO disappointed~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tfsad
#1, it will NOT converted into an armor like the commander trailer
#2, it is plain G1 look, which will be fine if Classic OP is a square cab like the G1 cab, but for classic OP, it just won't fit.
I put high hope on Fansproject based on their previous products, but this one, especially it is for OP, they just didn't do it right.
Maybe they are trying to rush out their trailer so that they can compete with the BTS.TOY trailer?
i know what G3 means but i've never heard of Generation 3 TF only G1 and G2
depending on how this one looks inside i might be getting both
ah, finally, i think this is great.. this is something i wish hasbro would have done. just a simple, good looking trailer. i'm so down with this. i really didn't like the other one, it's a neat idea, but doesn't look that great in my opinion.
I'm not going to cancel my preorder just yet but it does look very promising. I espeacially like how there is a loading ramp and doors, and there's a hinge along the roof which means it folds out even further than the G1 trailer did. If they have enough goodies inside to compete with the BTS one I'm going with this one. That's all I'm waiting to see.
This 1 looks boring. l'm sorry.
Agreed. It's too slavishly G1 for me... not that that's a bad thing, but this doesn't look like it will match Classics Prime at all.
so city commander for um
this one for op
and the other one for nemesis
and all the repaints can have their own unique trailer. :win
This 1 looks boring. l'm sorry.
Eh. This looks too plain. While it's definitely a through and through G1 trailer, so far, I'm liking the BTS one better. It has a bonus weapon, open up to a repair/launch platform, hold up to two dlx figs, and Roller has more of a function that just sitting in the trailer, he is part of the trailer (which I think is far cooler than just sitting there...not that I don't mind the other way Roller is done). Look at Star Convoy. The motorized part of of the figure detaches and becomes Roller.
But when I see more pics that aren't prototype blank, but prototype painted and more info, I'll take a minute to think about it.
So far so good, but lets see the rest of it and price before I decide if I'm gonna cancel a preorder or not.
The current tailer has more of a StarConvoy look while this is straight G1 origional, but that open platform is pretty nice and not bad at $50.
Lets see if this'll compete when done concerning function vs dollar.
It was just a matter of time. I like what I see so far.
Interesting. I may wait and get this one rather than that other trailer. I see a seam down the center of the trailer's roof and a hinge on the side at the bottom of the trailer. So that means it will open up like the G1 trailer. I hope there are more interesting things inside of it.
:o This is news to me. I shall await further information with anticipation.
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