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Featured Transformers Collection - Mat Janson Blanchet

Name: Mat Janson Blanchet (jansensan)

Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada

When did you started collecting? I was born in 1980 and it was my mom who bought me my first toys, so I'd say right when these toys came out, 1984-1985. Funny, I was not allowed GI Joes because of the reference to war, however Transformers were OK.

When I was a teen, I gave my Legos and Transformers to my little cousin. In the end of the 90's when he got incarcerated, I inquired if he still cared about the Legos, he didn't, so my aunt gave them back to me. I did not want to be too greedy so i did not ask about the TFs, but it turned out she threw them away (along with the Battle Beasts) cuz she thought I did not want them.

In 2001, a coworker of mine thought it was interesting I knew so much about TFs he gave me Beast Machines Mirage for Christmas, and that's when I started to collect and try to gather the old ones I had. Some friends give me what they find in their attic every now and then.

What is your favorite or most-wanted Transformer? In terms of toys, I would say either G1 Shockwave or toys that don't exist, like War Within Grimlock, War Within Skywarp.

As for characters, Grimlock is my favorite. Beast Wars Megatron would be my next one.

I love Transformers because: I grew up with these toys, my neighbours had different ones than I had, so it was like we all had our own faction. Also, because I think that some story arcs (War Within, Megatron Origins, Wreckers, Universe, etc.) are coming along nicely to complete that series' universe.

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kalron 2008-02-20 @ 10:46 pm

Wow I have the same IKEA setup for my PC, it has lasted me about 10 years!!! It too is home to many TFs. Your Collection is nice as well. Your story is similar to mine. I too lost all of my TFs to teen years/girls and cousins. Mine got sold at a Garage Sale. I started collecting with the introduction of the Classics and cannot stop until I rebuild my collection of G1s. Good luck to you.

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