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Exclusive Henkei! Convoy, Seeker Repaints Revealed

TakaraTomy has updated their Henkei! events page to reveal some exclusive figures.

A Clear Convoy will be offered for 3,500 Yen during the International Tokyo Toy Show 2008 that is happening June 21st to the 22nd. Online retailer e-Hobby will also be offering this figure as well at a later time.

Further exclusive revelations include Henkei! Thundercracker and Skywarp. The two seeker repaints will be available through TakaraTomy's Toy Hobby Market and Ganbo Store websites. The figures will retailer for 3,000 Yen a piece and pre-orders will begin on May 22nd.

The events page also features the Omega Supreme repaint Guardian Robot, available through e-Hobby in September 2008 for 13,650 Yen.
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E Hobbycamp 02 (1 of 4)

Ganbo Camp 02 (2 of 4)

Omotya 02 (3 of 4)

Toycamp 02 (4 of 4)

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Liege Evilmus 2008-06-29 @ 9:10 pm

I have no problem with Takara releassing these, it's good busness sence.

Although it may be subtle, they are different than the BotCon set, which any buyer or collector willing to drop coin on these would be abile to tell right away. In reality, I can see these making the BotCon figure even more desierable as it is the first edition.

I have the Target SkyWarp, so I'm skipping Henkie, who's only figure I bought to date was AstroTrain x2. I have 2 ThunderCrackers on order, and I look forward to them.

However to the BotCon people who feeel it's somewhat of a shaft, all I can say is this figure will be a colorful stand in on my shelf. While still ThunderCracker, it's not the good one that I'd realy like to have.

The same would go for Thrust and Dirge. I'd buy them, I'd enjoy them, but it'd be the same as having a MSIB reissue Prime on the shelf as apose to an actual factual G1 version.

Henkie is a crowd pleaser, BotCon has bragging rights!

sertile 2008-05-29 @ 7:55 pm

Note: For those complaining of the two-pack, these are available individually on BBTS for $75 a pop.

madman1366 2008-05-26 @ 6:43 pm

I've heard a lot of talk about certain Classics figures being "shelf warmers" and while there were some that stuck around longer than others I think we need to put things in a bit of a better perspective.

Just because every figure doesn't evaporate from shelves within hours or days of it's release doesn't mean it wasn't a liked figure or was by any means a failure.

By the time the Classics line was winding down there was still plenty of Cybertron around and the movie figures coming just around the corner. Actually they were still around when the movie line hit.

But the final wave of Classics didn't have a huge window to work with and they got restocked A LOT. So it stands to reason it would take some time to sell them out completely. And just because the last of them had to be clearanced out doesn't mean anything. Stores routinely clearance out older stock that's no longer available to order or to make room for a new line.

I think just because people see the same selection they automatically assume they are shelf warming and don't consider the possibility that they were simply restocked a lot until the sales eventually did slow.

Overall the Classics line sold VERY WELL. If it didn't, we wouldn't be looking at the return of Universe/Classics.

When Classics resurfaced last July when movie figures were delayed, they flew every bit as much as the movie figures did.

Again though, some places might have had them around a bit longer, but that has to be expected.

Look at some of the recent shelf warmers from past lines on ebay right now and you'll see that even some of the shelf warmers have found a new demand.

Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of figures that sat around everywhere for the longest time, some even clearanced out at some point that are now selling for more than the original retail prices, some a LOT more.

The point is, don't go off what you see on the shelves and pegs when trying to determine if a line sells well or not. Hasbro puts out quarterly reports and for the past several years Transformers have always been one of their strongest selling brands. That's all that matters!

Megatron 2008-05-24 @ 12:09 pm

only thing i dont like are the stripes on the wrists... too MP

shajaki 2008-05-23 @ 5:17 am

coming from someone who was almost going to buy that botcon set at its current ridiculous ebay price, this is fantastic news. though now theyre available for pre-order or whatever.. does anyone know how id go about this from a japanese site that i cant understand?

Firebrandx 2008-05-22 @ 10:53 pm

I'm going to get the Encore version of Thundercracker when it comes out (in a 2-pack with Skywarp). Actually, the only two lines I'm focusing on are the Encore and Masterpiece lines. The Encore line because its basically the originals I grew up on in the 80's, and the Masterpiece line because they look pretty cool.

ReverendNash 2008-05-22 @ 2:51 pm
There is another dude on TFW2005 boards selling these for less than $140 shipped. Goes by bodhar2000, anyone bought from him before?

I've had some wonderful transactions with Bodhar in the past. I'd say go for it, he's a good guy.

Stormtrooper53 2008-05-22 @ 1:27 pm

*Saw Cliffjumper, Mirage, Ramjet and Grimlock on clearance at Wal-Mart as recently as September, 2007.*

Hell, for that matter, I bought a second Mirage and Cliffjumper (to Classic-ize them even more) on sale at HTS.

slugpitcher 2008-05-22 @ 12:31 pm

none of the classics were shelfwarmers... at least not to the point mudflap and energon ironhide were... the only ones that even came close were the classic minicons... none of the rest made it to the clearance aisle

Stormtrooper53 2008-05-22 @ 12:27 pm
Yaaargh!! Ah whants muh Thundercracker!! I still think that Hasbro should do so much more to to give the American fans what they want. Do you know how rediculously popular a Thundercracker, Dirge and Thrust set would have been or would be?? I'm still sour at that Bot-Con thing. ~_~

As popular as the other seekers that shelfwarmed? Or the Magnus/Skywarp set that was clearance'd the week it was put on shelves?

Wha? :tfhuh

That set was on the shelves for a good month and a half before it got clearanced around here.

*still thinks the poor sales of the set was due to Ultra Crapnus*


My local Target put the UM/Skywarp set straight on the end cap for $17.99. Four shelves worth and they lasted MAYBE two days.

This Target is always doing that kind of crap, though. They put their Universe Devastator an end cap for clearance for $7.99. These were all just unpacked straight out of the case and put on an end cap.

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