The heart thing if anybody is wondering was from "The Girl who loved Powerglide" episode.
I like Powerglide red but for altogether different reasons than nostalgia. It sets him nicely apart from the other A10 Warthog Cybertron Wingsaber. The mold is cool but I find it looks too much like Wingsaber in these colors.
In this line who really cares about realistic colors. I don't find that a major selling point of any of these toys. Classics sold well because it gave collectors a chance to own beloved G1 characters that were better engineered/better detailed than the originals. The movie toys did well because the movie itself did relatively well. It's a proven fact movies that generally suck normally don't sell many toys based on it. Realistic alt modes are a given because this incarnation of Transformers was live action so highly stylized A/E/C molds would not have worked.
While we're on the topic of realistic colors most of the vehicles were so heavily modified/painted up that a red jet in any incarnation is pretty much a moot point.
May buy the US edition but that blue Rattler will be pretty damn tempting at the same time.
Lastly the colors on Silverbolt completely suck and bear no realism to a real jet whatsoever. G1 inspired or not this may be the one contributing factor for me not to bother with this one.
Onslaught looks like he may be a buy.
You're already getting a Rattler Transformer, he's just a minicon. Enjoy Skyhammer.
And if they can make Acid something Seeker....they can make a red jet too :P
They actually updated Acid Storm's colour scheme to make him more realistic. If they were sticking to G1 colour schemes he would have been lime green.
For :awsum Powerglide should be Navy Blue.You may get your Rattler Transformer after all, depending on how they colour Storm Cloud.
well it's obvious which one I'm getting now!
thanx AZ! :thumb
No problemo. I might even pick one up if I can score some Cobra sticker.
count down to Reprolables helping us out.
That would PWN.
For :awsum Powerglide should be Navy Blue.You may get your Rattler Transformer after all, depending on how they colour Storm Cloud.
well it's obvious which one I'm getting now!
thanx AZ! :thumb
No problemo. I might even pick one up if I can score some Cobra sticker.
count down to Reprolables helping us out.
Just for the record, I prefer boxy cool-colored G1/Universe/Classics TF's over the realistic "weird" looking alien Movie TFs.
And if they can make Acid something Seeker, Thundercracker movie repaints, they can make a red jet too :P
Look, it's just silly that people keep on busting on the Japanese version of Powerglide. I can't help but do what I can to defend it. Does it being red make it so horrible?
No, Powerglide being red isn't horrible. Nor am I busting the TT version. If Hasbro's version were red I'd still get it.
For me though, Powerglide isn't that pivital a character for me to get upset at Hasbro's decision to paint him light grey. In this case I'm getting what's easier to get, the Hasbro version. It'll be in the brick 'n mortar stores in a few months, while I'll have to pay shipping and import costs to get TT's version.
TT's G1 accurate colour scheme does look nice, but I don't care enough about Powerglide to pay double (at least) to import it. Hasbro's version is good enough for me, in respect to this particular character.
I wasn't knocking TT's red version, I was simply explaining Hasbro's logic behind making their version grey.
Plus the Hasbro version of Powerglide (and Silverbolt) makes the Autobot flyers look uniformed. Which kinda makes sense seeing as flyers seem to be in short supply in the Autobot camp.
I don't even remember anything about Powerglide having a heart or some such thing.
The fact that Hasbro was willing to mould that into the figure's chest means that the choice to colour him grey wasn't to piss off the fans. It was a marketing decision.
For :awsum Powerglide should be Navy Blue.You may get your Rattler Transformer after all, depending on how they colour Storm Cloud.
well it's obvious which one I'm getting now!
thanx AZ! :thumb
No problemo. I might even pick one up if I can score some Cobra sticker.
Yeah, the whole argument of Hasbro making more 'realistic' paint for Powerglide definitely is moot having seen the Storm Cloud repaint.... lol. Plus I'd hardly call Hasbro's Powerglide realistic anyway. Regardless of that, I myself will be getting the Japanese Powerglide, but the US versions of Onslaught & Silverbolt are fine w/me.
For :awsum Powerglide should be Navy Blue.You may get your Rattler Transformer after all, depending on how they colour Storm Cloud.
well it's obvious which one I'm getting now!
thanx AZ! :thumb
Hmm... I'm just gonna buy the most affordable one of the version I want -- the red one -- and let my purchase contribute whatever share into Hasbro's "marketing data" that it will.