I'm getting Bluestreak. For starters, I already have all the other Subarus, so I must complete my collection. And second, we're finally getting a blue Bluestreak. About friggin' time! :tfgrin
packaging is kinda boring dont you think? :tfmad
The die cast Prime looks cool! And the bots them selves are good look'N @ least! But when i IMPORT i want that dope azz Tak Tom packaing they SOMETIMES make.
The Bluestreak is hella lame. I could make the same thing if I had my Smokescreen sit in paint thinner long enough.
I'm getting them. I have the complete previously released set so I have to get these next 4 to keep it complete.
I'll only be getting the Die Cast Optimus and Arcee.....already have somekscreen, and silverstreak.
Jazz is ok, but not worth another as I have Red and White already..........
Remember the first time we saw the Subaru mold and drooled at how awesome the concept of Alternators was? God, that seems so long ago...so over it now.
Meister is a maybe, already have the white bt but the thing i'm most interested in is any new bt chapters.
I wonder what the collectors in Japan think of this? Could there be fans saying, in Japanese, "Thanks Tomy, I liked Smokescreen the first two times that I bought it."
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