Put a arcee head on this & its a nice Arcee....with giant man hands.
Put a arcee head on this & its a nice Arcee.
...with giant man hands.
True, true. Stiiiiilllllll beautiful! :D
To be fair, that Honda is small and sportyenough to considered as a "chick car". Just be glad it wasn't the Dodge Ram mold.
Austin Powers aside, i REALLY like this BT. Aside from the final head i would use of course. Put a arcee head on this & its a nice Arcee. Smoooth car mode imo
"That's not your mother, it's a man, baby!"
EDIT: Crap, beaten to the joke. :tflaugh
It's funny to me that of all the BTs to repaint as Arcee, they chose the one with the giant wang gun.
She's a man, baby!