Transformers Animated debuted in the US in late 2007 with the TV show on Cartoon Network. While we're several months from the exact anniversary of Animated, in Japan a new art book has been released, featuring works by various artists celebrating the series that still holds a special place to many fans. Masabon has shared a selection of interior pages from the book on his personal Photobucket account so that all those of us outside of Japan can have a taste of what's inside. Photobucket is less than user-friendly, so we've mirrored the pages in our gallery - keep reading to take a look and for a list of artists! UPDATED: Masabon wanted us to be certain that it was understood that this is an unofficial fan work, created by fans and without participation from Hasbro or TakaraTomy. Thanks to him for the clarification! Artists participating in this book:
Naoto Tsushima
Derrick J. Wyatt
Marcelo Matere
Josh Burcham
Alex Milne
Josh Perez
Hayato Sakamoto
Hiromi Wakabayashi
Masaru Sakamoto
Akira Amemiya
Tomoya Hosono, colored by Kokoa
Jesse Wittenrich
Tasuku Tajima
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