See X-Men 2 for setup to part 3And see X-Men 3 for dropping the damn ball.
That had to have been one of the absolute worst movies I've watched in years. X3 = complete and utter :fail
i split the blame between ratner and singer, singer could have come back after he did superman and finished the x series, and ratner for choseing to kill of cyclopes and jean WTF.
I believe Singer was willing to come back, but the head of Fox was more interested than hitting a specific release date than waiting for Singer.
Well, I'm excited with the news about the robot cast size. I'm hoping Arcee will make it into this one. We already see a police car which will hopefully be Prowl. One character I'd like to see is Wheeljack. As for the D'cons, well clearly Screamer will be there, along with a good chance of Barricade returning. As for others, Shoundwave is supposed to be in it, and I'm hoping at least Ravage and Laserbeak will be there as well. I'd like Shockwave as well.
See X-Men 2 for setup to part 3And see X-Men 3 for dropping the damn ball.
That had to have been one of the absolute worst movies I've watched in years. X3 = complete and utter :fail
i split the blame between ratner and singer, singer could have come back after he did superman and finished the x series, and ratner for choseing to kill of cyclopes and jean WTF.
I generally try to avoid reading these threads.... to be honest, I don't want to know too much about the movie. What's the fun going into it KNOWING what characters there will be... what it will encompass.. etc. Seems like you lose all aspects of surprise and enjoying the movie and are left just being a hyper critical observer who is left with nothing but disappointment about something.
I don't want to know ANYTHING about it.. hell, i don't even want to watch the trailers - that often give way too much away anyways. I know i'm going to go see it and that is enough.
So many people don't realize many times the DESIRE for something can be more fulfilling than actually having it, and it being over.
I want to go into the movie knowing absolutely NOTHING. I want to be surprised at the story line.. at the characters brought in.. I want to suspend reality and expectations and simply enjoy it for what it is. To me, every piece of new news on it takes a little something away from how great the experience can be. Maybe it's just me tho.
See X-Men 2 for setup to part 3And see X-Men 3 for dropping the damn ball.
That had to have been one of the absolute worst movies I've watched in years. X3 = complete and utter :fail
See X-Men 2 for setup to part 3
And see X-Men 3 for dropping the damn ball.
See X-Men 2 for setup to part 3
the BIGGEST thing as opposed to Pirates II was that he's not changing any of the creative team.
Who changed on Pirates II? Verbinski, T&T, Bruckheimer...all worked on all three films.
I'm no point in the statement did he say it would actually BE "awesome"...with out that backing I dunno.....
Kidding, he didn't let me down with part one, so no worries....the BIGGEST thing as opposed to Pirates II was that he's not changing any of the creative team. Same writer, obviously same director....AND he acknowledges how and why we were let down by Matrix II.
Chip Chase vs. Dr. Archeville. Make it happen Bay!