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Daily Prime - That's Not 86 Optimus Prime 2024 Studio Series TF Movie Commander Class

No, this is probably a fake image for the 2024 Studio Series TF Move Commander Class 86 Optimus Prime. The robot doesn't look like others, however the trailer looks to be a copy of the MP-44. What was recently leaked as a retail listing, appears on the SNS with a box, robot, trailer and accessories including his ION Blaster, Energon Axe, Matrix of Leadership, and blast effects.

Either way, I hope the somewhat familiar looking robot mode is significantly different from the Earthrise mold. Likewise, the trailer really needs be scaled properly to the robot this time. Again, this is probably fake and we will see something else. Check out the image made by @Oliver Ortiz.

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Joe Velez 2024-07-26 @ 7:02 pm

If that Optimus is supposed to be in scale with that Magnus then why is it both too big and too small at the same time? The alt mode looks like it's too big compared to Magnus but that could be the bad comparison photos. But the robot mode is still way too short compared to that Magnus. They're supposed to be closer in height than that. Actually, Optimus should be about the size of Grimlock for a Magnus that big. And that's just when comparing it to Magnus. 

Obviously, this Optimus is too tall compared to the rest. Bumblebee should be up to the top of his pelvis, not the bottom. Grimlock should be about the size of Magnus compared to a Prime that big. In fact, just swap Magnus and Grimlock's heights and then they'd both be good to go with that Prime. Bumblebee then is mostly fine. It's really Grimlock and Magnus that are the problems.

But this is all going off of them saying that Optimus is now in better scale with the rest of the line and Magnus at the same time.

I really couldn't care less that Magnus is too big. I made mine even bigger lol. I got those thigh extenders and while the legs almost look out of proportion with the rest of the figure, at the same time they're also in better proportion. You can tell something's off with the proportions but it's also not bad. I think it's just that it's so odd to see a Hasbro figure of any kind with thighs that are mostly the proper length they should be for the rest of the figure. It doesn't matter what line the figure's from, if it's made by Hasbro then the thighs are most likely too short and nowhere near as thick as they should be.

Speaking of things that should've been longer and thicker, the thighs on the smaller Legacy Armada Optimus Prime. I put the DNA thigh extenders as well as the transforming thigh extenders. The thighs are now in proportion as well as the super mode arms as a result, but damn are those thighs/biceps too thing. It's not quite as noticeable as thighs due to the side flaps, as biceps though, it's awkward looking. There was still some room in between the blue panels for those pieces to be thicker. Too late now. And my taller Magnus is standing next to Armada Optimus now and while Optimus is still taller, Magnus looks good next to him at the new height. About half a head shorter without the DNA feety flaps for Optimus and a full head with them. Magnus is a git taller than Star Saber now though and by default, Optimal Optimus, Star Convoy, Dai Atlas, PotP Rodimus and Super Ginrai as well.

But really, it's not so much the smaller Autobot cars that bother me now with this taller Optimus, it's the ones that are supposed to be about his height or taller and are now too small like Rodimus, Blaster, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Springer (even though SS86 is a bit taller than Siege), the Dinobots, Motormaster, Menasor, Jetfire and so on. Kingdom Galvatron is about the proper height or at least SS86 Galvatron will be as will SS86 Megatron. I guess the four of them (Magnus, Galvatron, Megatron and Optimus) can be to tall together and make fun of how short Rodimus is. 

TECHTRON 2024-07-18 @ 10:48 pm

Ya' know, the old "concept art" actually wasn't far off from the official images!

Decepticats 2024-07-18 @ 1:50 pm

Wow, Joe V. That's a great wish list. I do wish they would expand the selects line to include characters like Dogfight, Siren, Backstreet, Horri-bull, Quickmix and others. I also wonder if we'll get Outback, and Swerve. I gave up on deluxe sized Powerglide, Tailgate and Windcharger, opting for third party versions instead.

Joe Velez 2024-07-17 @ 3:22 pm
7 hours ago, Decepticats said:

Hey Joe V., since they already revealed ss86 op, do you have any guesses on surprise reveals during SDCC?

I have no more insight to anything than anyone else has so nothing other than my own speculations/desires. 

I'd love to see some Generations Selects reveals. They've been sleeping on that line for a while yet there's so many options. 

Cryotek from the TM2 Megatron mold. Maybe a BWII Galvatron retool as well.
G1 Skyquake, Machine Wars Starscream, King Atlas and/or Botcon Megaplex all from the Prime Skyquake mold.
Dark Nitro Convoy and/or Override GTS from Override.
Cybertron Ransack from Animated Prowl or most likely Prime Arcee.
A Zaptrap, Shothole and Salvo three pack from the Insecticons.
Core Dinoking and/or Monstructor. Dinoking should be revealed soon.
Armada Seekers.
Cybertron Seekers.
Earthrise Seekers. I hate this mold.
Siege Seekers.
Jhiaxus without the yellowing plastic.
Overcharge from Blitzwing. I don't think this is ever going to happen though given the reaction to Blitzwing himself.
The rest of the G2 Stunticons.
Pretender Starscream from Metalhawk.
Animated Wasp from Animated Bumblebee.
OTFCC Shadow Striker and Roulette, Super Mode and/or Universe Sideburn from Legacy Shadow Striker.
Botcon Toxitron from Animated Optimus.
Universe Razorclaw from Tigerhawk.
OTFCC Windrazor from BW Silverbolt.
Cyberverse Thunderhowl from Thundertron. Thundertron's new design looks like Thunderhowl as it is so this would just require a few retooled parts like the heads, the tail, the side skirts and turning the back plate into a cape.
2007 Crankcase from Star Seeker Cannonball.
Shard retool/redeco.
Wingfinger retool/redeco...finally.
Bound Rogue from Tasmania Kid.
Packrat from Rattrap. As a blue two pack with Bound Rogue.
Cyberverse Meteorfire from Earthrise Seeker or Jhiaxus.
RiD 2015 Stormshot from Earthrise Seeker or Metalhawk.
"Dirgeclonus" from Cyclonus.
Diaclone/Estella/IGA/other redecos. 
Retools of the new SS86 Bumblebee mold.
Shattered Glass redecos now that we have the actual molds for some of them like Starscream.

Big Convoy in general. It was heavily hinted at but we've seen nothing on it.

SS86 Megatron to capitalize on the SS86 Optimus hype. This is probably the most likely other than Dinoking as we know we're getting both at some point.

More Studio Series Gamer Edition and concept art figures. There's supposedly some Devastation redecos coming so those could be shown off.

SS86 style leader Skarr, leader Scorn and voyager or leader Slash. Red Swoop too but this time, the same colors other than the chest. That original red Swoop Generations Selects figure changed the base colors along with the chest which defeated the purpose and why it can probably still be found on a retailer shelf; physical or digital. Just some news on them now that the main five are out. They said a few years back that these were being considered due to fan demand so they might have an update by now 

Maybe some early hype for next year's new line. They have to be biting their tongues so hard over this. A line based on the original 13 Primes and they're NOT just little Primemasters in Pretender suits. Not only that but two to four new combiners as well. Superion and Devastator for sure. But then there's possibly a Bruticus in 2026. And finally Nexus Prime made of parts from Bruticus and Superion. I would imagine they really enjoyed working on next year's and beyond's figures.

Maybe something about the fate of Earthspark and the replacement cartoon.

Decepticats 2024-07-17 @ 9:58 am

Hey Joe V., since they already revealed ss86 op, do you have any guesses on surprise reveals during SDCC?

Joe Velez 2024-07-16 @ 9:45 pm

Seems Techtron was correct. This is indeed larger than Earthrise Optimus. When I first read it, I thought it would be about Kingdom Galvatron's height but it looks to be even a bit taller than even that.

Which is great but also bad. It's great in that this means that SS86 Megatron AND Galvatron should also be this new height but bad in that so few current figures scale with this anymore.

Ultra Magnus yes. Kingdom Galvatron yes even if he's being replaced. SS86 Wreck Gar, Junkheap and Scrapyard yes as they were all too tall anyway. Maybe Kingdom Cyclonus. Maybe Siege Jetfire. Maybe the SS86 Dinobots. Maybe SS86 Springer as he's a little taller than Siege Springer. But everyone else is mostly going to be too small now.

And for the love of Primus can someone please finally explain to me after 40 something years what the obsession is with making Optimus shake hands with everyone, especially Rodimus? I can't for the life of me recall why this is a thing. Optimus playing basketball I remember. Optimus shaking hands with everyone, I do not remember.

So the new size of Optimus means a larger trailer than I was thinking as well. However I still think a few more things should've been added in. The workstations and paintwork for the inside of the trailer, the other Ion Rifle or the gas pump for Roller and the full "Autolauncher" instead of it piggybacking on Roller. That would really just be wheels like the one with MP44 as I no longer expect the correct turret at this point.

Decepticats 2024-07-16 @ 9:38 am

Gonna say that if SS86 OP is any indication, SS86 Megatron is gonna have very expectations from this point on, and anything short of being an equal shelf-mate to this SS86 OP will be an all-time let down.

TECHTRON 2024-07-15 @ 9:44 pm
3 hours ago, Joe Velez said:

While Optimus looks so much better than that piano picture shown, I'm only whelmed by this set overall so far.

Neither overwhelmed nor underwhelmed. Just whelmed. 

Why? I'm still going to compare this to Kingdom Rodimus and Rodimus still looks to have more going on than this. This is OptimusfuckingPrime. This should be a step above and it's not. 

It's the trailer. Yes, G1 Rodimus' trailer was originally designed to have more going on than Optimus' trailer but that's because it was smaller. However now that they're the same size, Rodimus' trailer still has more going on by far. Optimus' trailer still looks like just a box that splits and opens. They didn't do anything extra to it like they did for Rodimus. Rodimus' trailer had a storage tray, a storage compartment, working pistons, a huge ass turret that also doubled as a roller unit of some sort and looks to be made out of thicker plastic than this new Optimus trailer. Rodimus' trailer was heavy and robust and was redesigned from the G1 toy just enough to give it a little extra.

Now it could be because this is Studio Series 86 and that was Kingdom but I mean, the trailer never opened up in the film. So they could've put more into it than this. The few times we did see the Combat Deck in the show, it actually did have more going on than seen with this SS86 figure. It had not one, not two, not four but three different turrets inside. We only get one with this. It also had two separate Roller units yet this has one and a half. 

What more? Then look to MP10's, The Hybrid Style's AND MP44's trailers. They all have more going on than this. This SS86 trailer reminds me of the trailer for MP-01 in that it's just another box on wheels. We've seen better trailers in general as well as from a figure that's so G1 animated accurate it's almost disturbing to look at (MP44). We're had a better trailer with World's Smallest Optimus lol.

This set should've had a full on second Roller unit like MP44 had. However, it should also have had that second turret on top as seen in the actual episode. It's not supposed to have the repair drone's turret on top of it as that was never a thing. It was shaped completely differently, didn't have the radar, cockpit dome or grabber arm and had long red rectangular guns on the sides. But really, where are people getting the repair unit being the second Roller unit from?

Where are the workstations? Where are the walls covering the workstations seen on MP10 and THS? Where's the jetpack? Where's the second style Ion Rifle? Where's the gas pump thing? Where's the missiles for the repair turret? 

This trailer is a big a letdown as the Earthrise trailer was for me. There's Roller, the repair drone turret, one Ion Rifle, the axe and four blast effects but that's it. There should be far more stuff included. If you got the Centurion Drone along with Earthrise Optimus then you had more than this SS86 trailer has. That had a second Ion Rifle and the jetpack on top of getting the axe and Roller. It even came with a Megatron in gun mode for Optimus to hold as that was a thing too. 

Okay, maybe I'm underwhelmed.

I just feel that since Optimus' trailer is really just a box a wheels that they should've added more in. People complained and complained about Rodimus when he was first revealed but once you got him in hand, that trailer changed people's minds. You might not like it (I don't really) but you have to admit that it's a big chunk that had quite a bit going on (like I do). This trailer for Optimus is not going to have that same effect on people. 

Again, this is OPTIMUS PRIME. They can afford to do more for him than almost any other Transformer character. People will eat this shit up. This is going to be one of the top sellers of the past few decades. People will not be waiting for this to hit Ollie's or Ross. They will buy it and multiples and it will almost never be in stock. Meaning preorder it as soon as it goes live. Sales will not be a problem with this. So put that extra effort in for the bot that transcends the medium and is a world wide iconic character to all and not just the fans. 

I want all three turrets. I want both Roller units in their entirety. I want two guns. I want the gas pump. I want the missiles. I want the backpack. I want the workstations. I even what those walls inside the trailer to make it look like it's more than just thin flat panels split open even if they're just flip up pieces that lock into place. I want Orion Pax's Targetmaster Barrelroller. I want Megatron in gun mode. Hell, I want the two missile launchers and the giant Autobot sigil refrigeration unit/backpack from G2 retool G1 Optimus too.

Give me everything Optimus had. 

I agree with you completely... but we don't know how big this guy really is yet, so his size could be a 'reason' (excuse)  why Hasbro didn't add anything else.

Joe Velez 2024-07-15 @ 6:03 pm

While Optimus looks so much better than that piano picture shown, I'm only whelmed by this set overall so far.

Neither overwhelmed nor underwhelmed. Just whelmed. 

Why? I'm still going to compare this to Kingdom Rodimus and Rodimus still looks to have more going on than this. This is OptimusfuckingPrime. This should be a step above and it's not. 

It's the trailer. Yes, G1 Rodimus' trailer was originally designed to have more going on than Optimus' trailer but that's because it was smaller. However now that they're the same size, Rodimus' trailer still has more going on by far. Optimus' trailer still looks like just a box that splits and opens. They didn't do anything extra to it like they did for Rodimus. Rodimus' trailer had a storage tray, a storage compartment, working pistons, a huge ass turret that also doubled as a roller unit of some sort and looks to be made out of thicker plastic than this new Optimus trailer. Rodimus' trailer was heavy and robust and was redesigned from the G1 toy just enough to give it a little extra.

Now it could be because this is Studio Series 86 and that was Kingdom but I mean, the trailer never opened up in the film. So they could've put more into it than this. The few times we did see the Combat Deck in the show, it actually did have more going on than seen with this SS86 figure. It had not one, not two, not four but three different turrets inside. We only get one with this. It also had two separate Roller units yet this has one and a half. 

What more? Then look to MP10's, The Hybrid Style's AND MP44's trailers. They all have more going on than this. This SS86 trailer reminds me of the trailer for MP-01 in that it's just another box on wheels. We've seen better trailers in general as well as from a figure that's so G1 animated accurate it's almost disturbing to look at (MP44). We're had a better trailer with World's Smallest Optimus lol.

This set should've had a full on second Roller unit like MP44 had. However, it should also have had that second turret on top as seen in the actual episode. It's not supposed to have the repair drone's turret on top of it as that was never a thing. It was shaped completely differently, didn't have the radar, cockpit dome or grabber arm and had long red rectangular guns on the sides. But really, where are people getting the repair unit being the second Roller unit from?

Where are the workstations? Where are the walls covering the workstations seen on MP10 and THS? Where's the jetpack? Where's the second style Ion Rifle? Where's the gas pump thing? Where's the missiles for the repair turret? 

This trailer is a big a letdown as the Earthrise trailer was for me. There's Roller, the repair drone turret, one Ion Rifle, the axe and four blast effects but that's it. There should be far more stuff included. If you got the Centurion Drone along with Earthrise Optimus then you had more than this SS86 trailer has. That had a second Ion Rifle and the jetpack on top of getting the axe and Roller. It even came with a Megatron in gun mode for Optimus to hold as that was a thing too. 

Okay, maybe I'm underwhelmed.

I just feel that since Optimus' trailer is really just a box a wheels that they should've added more in. People complained and complained about Rodimus when he was first revealed but once you got him in hand, that trailer changed people's minds. You might not like it (I don't really) but you have to admit that it's a big chunk that had quite a bit going on (like I do). This trailer for Optimus is not going to have that same effect on people. 

Again, this is OPTIMUS PRIME. They can afford to do more for him than almost any other Transformer character. People will eat this shit up. This is going to be one of the top sellers of the past few decades. People will not be waiting for this to hit Ollie's or Ross. They will buy it and multiples and it will almost never be in stock. Meaning preorder it as soon as it goes live. Sales will not be a problem with this. So put that extra effort in for the bot that transcends the medium and is a world wide iconic character to all and not just the fans. 

I want all three turrets. I want both Roller units in their entirety. I want two guns. I want the gas pump. I want the missiles. I want the backpack. I want the workstations. I even what those walls inside the trailer to make it look like it's more than just thin flat panels split open even if they're just flip up pieces that lock into place. I want Orion Pax's Targetmaster Barrelroller. I want Megatron in gun mode. Hell, I want the two missile launchers and the giant Autobot sigil refrigeration unit/backpack from G2 retool G1 Optimus too.

Give me everything Optimus had. 

Decepticats 2024-07-15 @ 3:31 pm

Joe V. Brings up some good points. This ss86 OP, along with Magnus, definitely takes things to another level. I'm in for this ss86 Prime, but now many of my older chugs look like garbage compared to these newer studio series figures,  which conflicts me even more about the recent Soundwave release.

TECHTRON 2024-07-04 @ 2:15 am
1 hour ago, BaCon said:

The MP44 has a backpack similar to that, but they covered it up. IF this is MP44 based, they went the less expensive route with a more bulky design. Which, might be a good thing because I am not a fan of the many thin pieces you have to fold up to transform it. Even if it has minimal kibble.

Makes sense, I get not wanting a lot of fragile pieces on a Transformer, but I kind of liked the sleek Earthrise Optimus Prime design.

TECHTRON 2024-07-03 @ 3:10 pm

The backpack is kind of big for a Commander Class. The Leader Class didn't even have a backpack... But! I'll leave any official thoughts until the full images are released.

WraithVerge 2023-12-08 @ 4:00 am
11 hours ago, BaCon said:

Yeah, looks like they chopped the MP-44 legs and head with Earthrise OP's torso.

Right; I'd like to see something a bit more official than this.

Fearing 2023-12-07 @ 3:35 pm

The box art is just art from one of the Transformers TCG cards. 

Joe Velez 2023-12-02 @ 3:54 pm

Studio Series 86 commander class Optimus Prime?

Hell yeah!

If we were still working with Kingdom Ultra Magnus then Earthrise Optimus prime would be fine. For Rodimus you could still go back to PotP Rodimus and use just Hot Rod as a Rodimus that "matches" Earthrise Optimus and Kingdom Magnus. Or just use SS86 Hot Rod.

However we now have SS86 Magnus and that changes things. Earthrise Optimus looks like straight trash next to SS86 Magnus and Kingdom Rodimus. I'm pretty sure that Rodimus has more going on in his two arms than Optimus has going on in his whole body parts wise. Comparing them is not even close. 

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