It was early looks late in to the night leading up to Toy Fair 2020, as more stock images of Earthrise's Quintesson Allicon, and Leader class Doubledealer turned up on Amazon. This offers us the first look at the alt modes for the two toys, and it certainly seems like a best of times, worst of times sort of result.
The stock images aren't very high resolution, but they are much better than the tiny, single images we had early Friday afternoon. Doubledealer is shown here as both missile truck, and robot bird. The missile truck itself is designed to go between a transport and "launch" configurations as well, the latter perhaps serving as a "base" mode for the Earthrise play pattern, as a connector ramp is seen extended from the vehicle here.
Allicon meanwhile seems to not have received quite such a graceful depiction in the stock renders. The newly revealed alligator monster mode seems to be very little departure from the robot mode at first glance - in effect, just the torso reversed with the beast head raised up. This may be a result of "mistransformation" of the computer model. Both the robot and alternate mode shots have what looks like a tail visible, stowed against the back of each mode. We'd guess that can be attached at a different angle in beast mode, and the legs more tucked in under the body to make a posture and general silhouette more like the animation model the toy is designed after. But sadly the image that will be one of the toy's primary depictions for a while seems to have ended up a terrible representation of it.
It did not initially seem that Doubledealer or Allicon were in the Toy Fair showroom, based on the preview Friday afternoon. But there could have been more to the Generations display than we were shown, or additional items added to the battle scene before fan media is brought in to tour the displays. We'll find out soon enough...!
Amazon UK has updated another product page, finally giving us a look at the regular form of the Earthrise Voyager Quintesson, following on from the view of the alternate mode we had previously. The Quintesson looks very accurate to the movie model, and includes an effect part for the anti-gravity hover beam, as well as a chair to hover upon.
I saw someone compare it to Street Sharks. Presumably because they're jawsome.
Anyone else getting a GI Joe Manimals vibe from the Allicon?
It was early looks late in to the night leading up to Toy Fair 2020, as more stock images of Earthrise's Quintesson Allicon, and Leader class Doubledealer turned up on Amazon. This offers us the first look at the alt modes for the two toys, and it certainly seems like a best of times, worst of times sort of result.