Gallery updated with new images
Thanks to {Zero} over at the Allspark, who located some of the new Bot Shots toys that he found at his local Asda. According to {Zero}, they only seemed to have the four or five of these figures including Bumblebee, Starscream, Prime, Barricade and Megatron.
What is most interesting is the molds seem to draw from different series. Bumblebee and Starscream look like they are G1 characters. Optimus Prime appears to be a replica of the Armada bendy-Prime and that's definately the Movie Trilogy Barricade figure. Where Megatron comes from, we will have to wait and see.
The game is said to be like paper, scissors, stone. Each robot has a three sided rotating symbol in their chest with fist, blaster and sword where one is chosen and then transformed into vehicle mode. The players then ram them into each other to transform into bot mode.
Read more about the Bot Shots from the Allspark post: