Well, the Wave 2 case looks like this:2x Prowl
1x Sunstreaker
2x Octane
2x Galvatron
1x Acid Storm
so that may be why.
Maybe I'll be able to pick up a few Acidstorms in a month or 2. When they become a little more prevalent.
There will be 2 in the Wave 3 cases and only 1 Galvatron, the new figures will be
2x Sideswipe
2x Blue/Silver/streak
1x Ironhide.
Well, the Wave 2 case looks like this:2x Prowl
1x Sunstreaker
2x Octane
2x Galvatron
1x Acid Storm
so that may be why.
Maybe I'll be able to pick up a few Acidstorms in a month or 2. When they become a little more prevalent.
I still haven't seen ANY Galvatrons. I've seen a few Acid Storms, though. Really, I can't find any deluxe Universe figs in the stores except Sunstreaker and (some of) Prowl.
Well, I DID see this fat guy the other day in Wal-Mart. He was in the toy aisle on his knees in front of the TF section. As I approached him, I could hear him sobbing softly. "I say, my good man, you appear to be in a bit of a pickle. Is there some why that I might assist you?" He looked up at me tears streaming down his cheeks, "It's just not fair that they did this?" "To whom are you referring?" I asked? He had a white streak of dried mucous under one nostril. "HASBRO! 'Tisn't FAIR!" "Why, my good lad, whatever would you mean?"
He held aloft an Acid Storm figure, MISP except for a small bit of cardboard that looked like it had been chewed off. "THIS!!!! This...ATROCITY!"
I looked at him quizzically for a moment, unsure if I wanted to delve further into the young man's mindset. I implored the young man "But, the Classics seeker mold is, by most accounts, an excellent figure. Hasbro has already given us three excellent updates of Generation 1 characters using that very mold. And now they've even used it to give us an homage to an obscure character. It's almost like, they're giving the older fans something neat while at the same time bringing the younger fans in to the franchise."
Immediately he rose to his feet, dropped the figure, grabbed my lapel and thrust me against the opposite side of the aisle. "Don't you see? Don't you understand? They're toying with us. We don't want a repaint of some figure that appeared in a single frame of the G1 cartoon? We want the REAL THING!" I opened my mouth, tried to utter something about Botcon, but all I got out was "B-b-but...B-Botcon..."
He released me "I don't want to hear any more about BOTCON! That's just part of the whole plan. To SCREW with us. To make half of the set available at retail, and then make the other half so unobtainable as to be pointless. They don't care about the fans..."
He dropped to the floor, resigned, picked up the Acid Storm figure, "And now they do this..." He was no longer paying attention to me, he was simply holding the figure in one hand, caressing it carefully in the other. "Acid Storm," he muttered. "Shortpacked..."
I turned and walked away, ready to leave the episode behind me. As I stood in the self check-out lane, scanning a package of Jack Link's Teriyaki Beef Nuggets, I heard a wail, almost inaudible, coming from the toy section...
True story.
Cut it out! I'm trying to stir up sh*t and your truthiness isn't helping.
Well, the Wave 2 case looks like this:
2x Prowl
1x Sunstreaker
2x Octane
2x Galvatron
1x Acid Storm
so that may be why.
Wow, I've seen Galvatron a bunch of times.
Acid Storm, not as many times because I guess the seeker mold sells well
Acid Storm is out, he's a case-mate of Galvatron's.
Ok where do i start? Vector Prime as the last Autobot imo, needs a gold nose (like his comic counterpoint).Bruticus is a'ight, but should definitely keep the Predacon symbol on his chest. Pure awesomeness!
G1 Starscream is pure win! *WANT*
Cheetor is awesome! Im def going to get him, and transform him right.;) *WANT*
Hound with Ravage ... nothing but *WANT*
Inferno *WANT*
Legends Brawn, Beachcomber, and Bumblebee *WANT WANT WANT* Definite buy! LUV the Brawn resemblence.
Animated Blurr is about the coolest bot on this list looks wise *DOUBLE TRIPLE WANT* :P
Swindle and Shockwave *WANT WANT* Cant wait for these "Muhahahaha"
Out of all of these, Blurr and Cyclonus are the best imo. Hasbro has really taken Transformers to the next step and im all for it.
Armada Hot Shot anyone? Also they will give us the first 3 seekers ('84) you watch and see. Skywarp will be next. ;)
Also as a kid i would walk around and call myself Barkticon and pretend i was a cartoon sharticon and eat anything. This Universe R.H. Snarl and Sharticon resembles that and would like to get an army of "Barkticons" :D
Fixed :tflaugh When are Acidstorm, Sideswipe, Siverstreak, and Ironhide coming out!?!? I had to get Galvatron off of ebay for $15, but I'm hoping to find these guys in store. My post new baby wallet can't keep taking the extra $5-$10 hit from those scalpers.
Ok where do i start? Vector Prime as the last Autobot imo, needs a gold nose (like his comic counterpoint).
Bruticus is a'ight, but should definitely keep the Predacon symbol on his chest. Pure awesomeness!
G1 Starscream is pure win! *WANT*
Cheetor is awesome! Im def going to get him, and transform him right.;) *WANT*
Hound with Ravage ... nothing but *WANT*
Cyclonus with Nightstick. MORE *WANT* THEN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT!
Inferno *WANT*
Legends Brawn, Beachcomber, and Bumblebee *WANT WANT WANT* Definite buy! LUV the Brawn resemblence.
Animated Blurr is about the coolest bot on this list looks wise *DOUBLE TRIPLE WANT* :P
Swindle and Shockwave *WANT WANT* Cant wait for these "Muhahahaha"
Out of all of these, Blurr and Cyclonus are the best imo. Hasbro has really taken Transformers to the next step and im all for it.
Armada Hot Shot anyone? Also they will give us the first 3 seekers ('84) you watch and see. Skywarp will be next. ;)
Also as a kid i would walk around and call myself Barkticon and pretend i was a cartoon sharticon and eat anything. This Universe R.H. Snarl and Sharticon resembles that and would like to get an army of "Barkticons" :D