I think we've all grown used to combiners being a certain way in the Transformers universe. I just wonder, how would people feel about an ultimate combiner?
What do I mean by that? Glad you asked.
One HUGE combined bot...Obviously. But instead of one bot as an arm, one a leg, etc..etc..they make smaller bots where one becomes the forearm and hand, one the upper arm and shoulder. One the hip and upper leg, one lower leg and foot and at least 2 different bots for the body. At least 10 bots in all.
Is that too much engineering to hope for such a thing? Even if they were relatively small and simple individual figures?
This would probably be a great idea for figures the size of Cyberverse (commander) figures. It would only be good if the figures had individual bot and alt modes as well. I think new Transformers projects should look towards more ambitious ideas...this would fit the bill! However a 10 figure combiner most likely wouldn't come cheap or easy. So one would have to wonder how many they can do. Perhaps take a page from PCC where other individual bots in the line can be interchangeable with other parts to give the combined form new powers and abilities.
It might be a dream, but something like this could take combiners to a whole new level.
I'd just love to see more things incorporated into Transformers that lets the kids/collectors get more creative. Different ways to transform bots, different ways to combine them etc. That's what I loved about lines like Energon, even though some of the execution was iffy. The idea is sound.
Hasbro has also liked tinkering with the Lego like sets over the years. KREO obviously being the current effort. Here is an idea for Hasbro to revolutionize the Lego block and Transformers combining as we know it. Make sets where the individual lego blocks can transform into robots. You can have a hoard of tiny robots and then combine them into whatever twisted things you can come up with!
But not just basic blocks, there is no telling how many different kinds of transforming parts they can make. You can build huge robots, perhaps a Metroplex or Fort Max, or create a city bot of your own design...the possibilities could be endless! Best of all, they could be made to interact with virtually ANY Transformers line.
Anyways...just some neat ideas I've always had balled up in my brain. Anyone else have any?
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