There is a possible image of a Transformers War For Cybertron "KINGDOM" poster going around that may reveal Beast Wars as part 3 of the Trilogy. This could very likely be fake judging from how early it is and the very low-quality image reported to come from Facebook and or SNS Asia but we'll leave it to the fans to see for themselves and know what's circulating.
I personally find it dubious that Hasbro would preempt Season 2 Earthrise altogether before letting this slip, but then again I don't know for sure and honestly would be glad to see Beast Wars come back. It may very well be this is for part 3 of the toy line that we are seeing a promo for. So take this with great reservations as its not official until Hasbro or Takara say it is official.
I swear to god, if this is real I am buying an Airazor as soon as I see one