Walmart's shopping app has yielded yet more product listings for things we've never heard about before today, complete with stock images. The latest seems to be a run of Siege redecos inspired by/tying in with the upcoming Netflix War For Cybertron series due this summer. 8 toys in all have been located so far.
Hound, Sideswipe, and Chromia will each get same-character rereleases with different damage deco effects, presumably looking more similar to how the characters will be styled in the cartoon. Mirage will be sold in a new deco as a Decepticon version of himself, while the Reflector mold will be decoed as a new character, Scrapface.
Two Battle Pack sets were found, one containing Siege Megatron and two (at the moment unnamed) Battlemaster redecos, the other is a staggering eighth use of the Siege seeker mold - as Hotlink! Hotlink is the identity retroactively assigned to the predominantly purple seeker from the opening scene of "More Than Meets The Eye Part 1". The small image we have shows a mainly purple body, though with a lot of black that is probably the new style of battle damage. But, at least it is a paint mask difference, where the prior seven instances all used precisely the same damage effects. Hotlink also comes with two unnamed Battlemasters.
Finally, there's an Ultra Magnus "Spoiler Pack". The packaging is shown, and it has no window. Instead it warns of spoilers within, and has a Netflix badge in the corner, tying it to the upcoming animated series. A string of Cybertronic text along the top may indicate some of the nature of the spoiler, as it reads "Battlefield Rung".
These items were discovered in the computer system for retailer Smyths in the UK a little earlier this evening by CyclonusG1. In that system, all of these items are listed as exclusives, leading to speculation they might similarly be exclusive to Walmart in the US. Whether we'll hear more about these during Toy Fair this weekend is uncertain. Last year's Walmart exclusives, the 35th anniversary redecos were present at Toy Fair, but not shown to or discussed with the fan media representatives. We'll have to wait and see if we get a repeat of that situation this year and have to wait a while longer for any concrete info.