According to Box Office Mojo, Transformers: The Last Knight has wrapped up its run in at least US theatres as of Thursday, August 24, having clocked in just slightly over 9 weeks on the big screens domestically. Some international markets where the movie opened later may still run for a little while yet, but it's nearing the end of the line. This means that we have a pretty concrete idea of where the final theatrical numbers are going to land. And by this point, there's really no surprises to be had. Keep reading to find out the score...
Box office Mojo's reports show The Last Knight ending domestically with just a hair over $130 million. For reference, the production budget of the movie is estimated at $217 million. For reference, when last we talked about the budget versus domestic ticket sales for the movie, it was July 21, at which point it had only pulled in about $127 million. Over its entire final month it pulled in barely $3 million.
International figures are certainly better, accounting for $473 million of what has become a worldwide total of around $604 million as of the time of this writing. A stronger take from the foreign box office is expected, but there is no denying that numbers on both sides are proportionately much lower than desired. And with the extensive advertising campaign the movie saw in the weeks prior to its release, the costs associated are surely even higher than just the estimated production budget, meaning the profitability of the fifth Transformers movie could very well be the lowest for the entire series to date.
For the sake of the franchise as we've come to know it over the last decade, let's hope Bumblebee fares quite a bit better when it launches in December 2018.