Following the 1027 reveals, Toys Are Russ and Hasbro Designer Evan Brooks show us the unboxing of the 2025 Studio Series 86 Devastator Team members Bonecrusher and Scavenger. Get a look at the new packaging and figures in the video below. These will be going up for preorder today at 2pm ET / 11am PT! Order while they last at the following sponsored links:
[+] BigBadToyStore
[+] Amazon
I am disappointed to see ball point joints in a deluxe figure. The tooling is very good these days on most figures, but I really think ball point joints need to go. They don't last and it makes bonecrusher seem like less quality was put into his design. Especially at the deluxe scale. Some of the pictures make him seem like he has core class design features.
I'm going to get this Megatronus and this new Devastator as well. I'm not interested in a ss86 Megatron as I'm in for the 3rd party Romulus as my ss86 Megatron. I'm mostly chug, with a few 3rd party ti fill in the gaps, ie. Dx9 for my Powerglide, and xtransbots for my Windcharger and Tailgate. I'm still looking for replacements to match the new scale for my minibots for Outback and Swerve. Hopefully a new Seapray is in the works. I'm interested in what's in these "AoP's" other than new combiners and the 13 Primes. I guess I'm still looking for Sureshot, Horri-bull, and maybe Dogfight, Backstreet and the like.
Me thinks ye Megatronus is an up-sized and retooled WFC Megatron.
It's really dissapointing to see Hasbro cheaping out on is for such an iconic character. Scrapper is a voyager, really? It looks to be the same mass as a deluxe stunticon. And don't sell me this notion that we are paying for engineering as that design has changed very little in the last 40 years.
Thank Primus that Devastator doesn't look like the character model. But of course it's quite a bit taller than Menasor. They just can't keep to one scale. I don't like to hate on them but they made one scale and then haven't stuck to it. Either make a scale and stick to it or just make them any size like before. They make one scale, they also make them any size, and finally they make a new scale. Don't do all three things at the same damn time.
And say hello to SS86 Megatron like I've been saying all along. Although I can't say for sure as I haven't seen Optimus next to The Fallen yet.
I probably could have seen them together had those fucking assholes actually sent me the email link like they have every year previously. Not that it mattered in previous years as the videos were uploaded normally. So of course the one year I don't get the email with the link is the one year I can't just watch the stream normally somewhere. There's very few actual perks to having Pulse Premium other than the free shipping (which should be fucking standard) so it would be great if I could actually use one of the only other perks. This ruined my whole fucking day at work. I was looking forward to this.
Lol wut?
I thought Hook and Long Haul were being sold together as a commander and Scavenger and Bonecrusher as deluxes? So how are the all also separate releases as voyagers? Unless they're breaking up the commander two pack and moving some of the combiner kibble into the deluxes to move the four of them to voyagers.
But ultimately I hope that's not what it's going to look like. The animation model I mean. I will straight up stop buying figures if they start making them look like the G1 animation models. I don't say that lightly either. I have more than enough other options to choose from that I don't need to get toys that are actively trying to look like shit. I grew up with and love the G1 cartoon as much as anyone else around my age. But I don't want toys that look like that. No thank you. There's a reason why I have negative interest in current G1 MP figures.
SS86 Optimus is bad enough trying to emulate the cartoon model but it still has some CHUG influences. If they go ANY further than that then I'll be saving a ton of money from that point onward by skipping SS86. While it's not great, I have the undersized KO of CW Devastator to mostly scale with the other combiners as well as my UW Devastator.
I just want all the combining parts built in for once.
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