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What Were Your Top 10 Transformers Purchases of 2014?

Thanks to forums member SuperSaiyanGoku who has started a post and shared his list about his Top 10 Transformers purchases of 2014. No doubt, Age of Extinction will be on everyone's list. However, there have been soooo many good figures from Generations, Third Party companies and more that we're dying to see what you loved the most. Post your Top 10 Transformers Purchases of 2014 now in Top 10 Forums Topic

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Police_Box_Traveler 2015-01-09 @ 10:49 pm

Man, I haven't posted here in AGES.

So the question here is, what top 10 figures did I buy in 2014? Well, seeing as how this is the "top 10 purchases of 2014" as opposed to "top 10 purchases of toys that were released in 2014" I may have a couple that are from 2013 but I bought early in 2014, but here's my list:

Honorable Mention: Impossible Toys Bumblebug (I just had to mention this because...even though it's not a GREAT toy, the updated G1 toy styling of this was a great idea and really evoked the original toy very well. I have heard some quality issues but so far, mine has been great. I don't feel bad about IT going away, let's face it, they tried but they didn't try too hard, this was still a great effort on their part)

10:Generations Whirl (has some issues but once you figure the shoulders out, this is a great toy despite some scary knee breaking possibilities)

9TFCC Slipstream (Also my vote for best reuse of an old mold. This figure easily works in the Generations line like Chromia made from the Prime RiD Mold)

8:Generations Rattrap (Yes, this figure has some issues but not enough to win "worst toy of the year" or something, lol, I mean who would do THAT?!?!)

7:AoE High Octane Bumblebee (He's on my list because, once you ditch the upper torso "automorph" that plagued this style of movie BB, it's a great figure and this version is the one I wish was used in the first movie instead of the 74 Camaro"

6:Unique Toys Mania King (Vintage Colors) (While the original plumb purple and white version didn't thrill me along with it's "curling" style arms, the vintage colored version jot it right for me. The color matches the RtS Cyclonus beautifully and the orange gun barrel with light up tip was great! I can easily overlook the arms for the rest of the figure being so spot on)

5:AoE Evasion Mode Optimus Prime (Takara Colors) (EASILY the best movie Optimus for 2014 and maybe even the best Optimus in general for 2014. It's not at the top of my list because as great as the figure is, I've seen WAY too many pictures of the T shaped grill piece breaking.)

4:Generations Skrapnel (THIS was what I think fans of the G1 Insecticons wanted for an updated toy and this first entry is fantastic! He's now joined by an even BETTER Bombshell so here's hoping they release a new Kickback and recolor and reissue Skrapnel to match)

3:Generations Swerve (This figure was only bought after I bought the figure just a bit higher on my list and at that only because the quality of these Legends class figures has gone up as they shifted the line to making it for bots that are SUPPOSED to be small. Swerve here has a TON of character, just check out his face!)

2:Generations Cosmos (This is the figure that made me realize the Legends line will be good and as long as Hasbro maintains this level of engineering and ingenuity, MAYBE we can get the rest of the G1 minibots done in a single scale class for once)

1:Generations Arcee (What can I say? Has/Tak has knocked this out of the park! I'm glad they didn't do IDW Arcee for this much as I like the IDW aesthetic, I always wanted them to look a bit more G1 so I can still have them feel like they belong together and while this figure's colors being slightly changed with the addition of black and blue trims, it still looks amazing. Yes, it's true, she does have a bit...too organic looking a midriff making her able to strike some...suggestive poses, it doesn't entirely overshadow the fact that this figure took 28 years to get and now we have her and they didn't have to make her an Actionmaster or a motorcycle...again or some vague vehicle-esque pile of robot parts...they only needed to fold a car up on her back, lol)

SuperSaiyanGoku 2015-01-07 @ 4:21 pm


Thanks, party on

ironman9105 2015-01-06 @ 11:36 pm

1. Planet x omega supreme



4. Unique toys Galvatron

5. Toyworld hedgemon,megatron



8. Toyworld Fort Max warden




SuperSaiyanGoku 2015-01-06 @ 5:43 pm

I didn't think this would get front paged.

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