More from 软体动物 on Weibo, as we now get some detailed looks at the Armada Optimus Prime and Star Convoy prototypes on display at Winter Wonderfest. Having ruled out that they're directly related to each other, Star Convoy starts to look like a more straightforward retool of POTP Optimus Prime. The Armada Prime though gets more curious as we go along.
The lower body seems to have a distinct seam that implies the legs split apart. You know, just like the old Superbase Armada Optimus was designed. Other necessary details, such as fists hidden in the heels, are obscured at the current viewing angle, so we can't probe too far. But it seems like it may be possible that this new Armada Optimus is only half of the toy and there's a second component we haven't seen that will accommodate a super mode. Be that simply a trailer based on the original design, or something slightly crazier like an Armada Jetfire update to be revealed later, who can even predict anymore?
Both of these Convoys bear product tags marked with a new 35th anniversary logo, rather than the existing Legends branding. Star Convoy is a retool, but Armada Prime seems to be brand new, and this might be part of how TakaraTomy has chosen to observe the 35th anniversary of the brand, by updating some of the older Convoys/Primes. If so, it makes one wonder what else we might see revisited in the upcoming year.