Our forums member gema has brought us a high quality photographic review of Devastator and the Constructicons, giving a very good overview of the entire set, including some focus on the combination mechanisms of each team member. We've mirrored only a portion of the photos here, but it still adds up to 50 shots - there's plenty more at the review itself. Click through to see the sample photos and a quote from the review text!
Full review at Black Plastic Life
Alt Mode
- the alt modes are nice homage to G1 version of the team with few changes
- overall really solid and properly executed
- should've go with conventional cement mixer for Mixmaster or add more details on the cab so that it is more distinguishable
- the functioning parts are minimal in this mode (eg the crane, shovel) which I think could've been done better to add more playability. But this might just be nitpicking
Individual Robot Mode
- captured the aesthetic of G1 Constructicon almost perfectly
- setback on the joints especially Long Haul and Scrapper which to me, ruin the 2 figures
- Long Haul size might bother most but I think it's necessary for the sake of combiner mode. Also considering Long Haul was depicted to be bigger in IDW continuity, I think I can live with it
- the quality is actually not so different compared to previous IDW Generations releases but due to the large size of the figure, some of the figures look to have lower quality
Combiner Mode
- Devastator might not be as detailed as other 3rd party releases but seems to have perfect balance between design and playability
- the combination holds up perfectly from top to bottom once you get everything pegs properly
- the sheer size is really impressive, even more so when he could be pose in a lot way, not just standing straight, thanks to the strong joints especially on the hips and waist
My verdict? Will be getting both Hasbro and Takara version...and also SDCC 2015 if I can