Transformers 3 filming will continue in Chicago this weekend before wrapping up and heading to Detroit.
According to
On Location Vacations, shooting will take place on Friday August 20th and Saturday August 21st, several downtown locations, including 433 W Van Buren.
Helicopters will be used for aerial photography.
Filming in Detroit is reportedly going to take place Packard Plant on East Grand Boulevard, an abandoned car manufacturing plant for the Packard vehicle company.

The following is the filming information this weekend:
“Transformers 3″ will be filming Friday Aug 20th/Saturday Aug 21st, several downtown locations, including 433 W Van Buren.
Transformers 3″: 8am-9am, Saturday Aug 21st, Helicopters will be used at low altitude for aerial photography over Chicago River. LaSalle street bridge. Street closures: 6am-3pm @ Van Buren between Wacker/Canal, 12pm-10pm LaSalle St bridge between Wacker/Kinzie. This will include brief (15 minutes) intermittent closures of bridges @ Michigan, State & Dearborn.