Day 5 of Super Collection Figure Week brings on the Super-God Masterforce with a look at the G1 SCF ACT Ginrai, Super Ginrai, and God Ginrai figures. Starting in 2000, Takara made 3" figurines featuring Convoy with his Energon-Axe, ION Blaster, Megatron Gun, Truck Modes, and other forms and features that appeared at one time or another in the Transformers: Super-God Masterforce cartoon. While Ginrai was based on the Hasbro Powermaster Optimus Prime, the Japan series expaned on the concept greatly adding the incredible God Ginrai to their new story that became the Super-God Masterforce. Takara produced quite a few G1 SCF figures in 6 ACTs over 3 years. We will be looking at all the SCF ACT Prime releases this week.
Once again, Takara went all in with figurines for three different Ginrai modes starting in ACT 1 with God Ginrai Anime and Clear, followed by ACT 2 Super Ginrai with Anime and Clear, and then ACT 5 with Ginrai Anime and Pewter color. Additionally, ACT 4 introduced a Fire Guts God Ginrai Gold color chase as well. The God Ginrai mold was later reissued for Hasbro Heroes of Cybertron as Powermaster Prime Apex Armor in Cartoon colors and Spark Attack Optimus Prime in Clear Yellow with Flames. Shown below in the image as follows, left to right:
• 2001 Takara SCF ACT 2 Super Ginrai Clear Color
• 2001 Takara SCF ACT 2 Super Ginrai Anime Color
• 2000 Takara SCF ACT 1 God Ginrai Clear Color
• 2001 Takara SCF ACT 5 Ginrai Anime Color
• 2000 Takara SCF ACT 1 God Ginrai Anime Color
• 2002 Hasbro Heroes of Cybertron Powermaster Optimus Prime Spark Attack
• 2001 Takara SCF ACT 4 Fire Guts God Ginrai Gold Color Chase 1/10 Cases